Matangi Navaratri Blessed Coin
The auspicious Matangi (Syamala) Navaratri will be celebrated from Feb 10 - 18, 2024, honoring Sri Raja Matangi (Sri Raja Syamala), who blesses devotees with artistic talent, divine intelligence, and the ability to attract all spiritual and material blessings. All are welcome to attend and receive the divine blessings. This sponsorship is for a blessed silver coin; it does not include sankalpam. Please read below for additional details.
Matangi Navaratri Blessed Coin
Silver coins will be placed inside the Matangi Navaratri Kalasam, so that they absorb the holy vibrations of all the homas and pujas through the entire festival. The coins can then be kept in your wallet or your shrine room for divine protection and blessings.